Saturday, February 7, 2009

Don't join Stroller Strides or the Fit Moms Challenge to lose weight...

What! But isn't that what will happen if you add exercise into your life? Well, yes. But I want you to consider some of the other things that may also come with adding Stroller Strides (or another daily exercise program) and healthy nutrition into your life.

1. More energy to chase your kids around making you a more interactive parent. Exercise strengthens your heart and lungs to work more efficiently. This means you'll have more energy to do the things you enjoy.

2. Your kids will see exercise as something that is fun, not something that you have to do or will get to later. Childhood obesity is so prevalent in today's society that making exercise fun will affect our kids in positive ways that we can only imagine!

3. Since the majority of moms do the cooking and grocery shopping, moms that make healthy food choices for themselves will also make healthy choices for their families. This will positively affect the health and energy of the family as a whole.

4. A better sex life... Yup, I said it. And not because of your fit body, but because exercise increases endorphins, sex drive and circulation. There have been studies to prove it!

5. A better outlook on life- see the above for endorphins! Exercise can put you in a better mood as well as reduce stress, depression and anxiety. And we all know the effects of a cranky mom on the whole family...

6. Exercise can also combat chronic disease... Like heart disease, osteoporosis, even high blood pressure. It has also been shown to prevent type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancer.

7. Exercise promotes better sleep, and better sleep can improve your concentration, productivity and mood. Better sleep also translates into more energy during the day for the things you like to do.

8. Exercise can be a fun way to meet new people. Take a yoga class, take a salsa class, if you are a mom, take Stroller Strides and meet other moms for friendship and support. These new friends can also be your motivational support when you feel like jumping off the healthy bandwagon!

9. Exercise also strengthens and boosts your immune system. Got kids? Then you have germs- and really strong ones too. Exercise can boost your immune system to fight the super germs that kids like to bring home from daycare and school. Meaning you can get on with the business of being a mom.

10. And I guess the last things would be that yes, exercise will help you maintain a healthy weight.

Check out this video and learn why other moms are joining the Stroller Strides Fit Challenge. Each mom is so inspirational and they remind me why I became a franchise owner... The reason was to create a community that empowers and inspires moms to make healthy choices for themselves and their families.

And I love the kids doing the exercises at the end- just goes to show you they pick up things from us all the time. It's up to us to be healthy role models!

1 comment:

Jen said...

I just read your list of positives with exercise and I see results in 9 of 10 so far. I'm having such a great time in class and meeting new people and learning a healthier lifestyle. I'm very excited for Patience and her enthusiasm about exercise. I'm hoping this will generate a lifelong love of staying healthy.