Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mindful Eating

How many times a day do you eat a meal standing up? Do you snack in front of the tv? Or do you savor each bite when you eat?

Life is busy. Sometimes I feel like every second of my day has been scheduled in 15 minute portions. Eating is crammed in there somewhere. Sometimes it is in the car, sometimes in front of the tv watching our favorite show or sports team. It is easy to feel like a bystander with your life whizzing by... It is hard to feel satisfied by a meal that just speeds past your taste buds on the way to your belly.

I have come to terms with my nature of enjoying a full schedule, for myself and my family. But in terms of healthy eating, I have made a commitment to be more intentional and aware of what we eat and where. To do so, I am changing my attitude on food... Meals are no longer another stop on the speedway that is the Waterman calendar!

Here is my plan to make meals more mindful in our house...
* Say thanks before each meal- We are vegetarians (with a little fish sometimes) so this means thanking the farmers and the food for the nourishment it offers us. This also helps the kids realize where their food comes from so there is less waste.
* Set the table- And this does not mean the TV tray. Meals are to be eaten as a family at the table. This also creates an environment of sharing and community.
* Use your five senses - Experience your meal with all five senses. Look at your food, taste it, touch it and feel for texture, smell the aroma, and listen - is there are crunch when you eat it? With the farmers market opening last week it is much easier to get farm fresh veggies with a wonderful array of colors. Enjoy it!
* Be mindful of your fullness- Sometimes people eat when they are really thirsty. Or people eat beyond fullness. Pause frequently while eating to see if you are full. It is hard to sense fullness when you are shoveling food into your mouth on the way out the door.
* Check the source- Are you craving food because you are hungry or because of another emotion (boredom/sadness/control issues). Be mindful of the emotions behind your cravings.

I am excited to really savor my foods mindfully starting with dinner tonight- I am off to cook!

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