Monday, May 11, 2009

Breakfast- a must for mommies (to be and otherwise)

I never have enough time in the morning. Between sending Robert off to work, getting the dogs fed and in the dog run, dressing the the kids, changing diapers, making breakfast for a 4 year old and a 1 year old (one that is healthy and will actually get eaten), supervising potty time and teeth brushing and more, there are just never enough minutes before we have to run out the door for Stroller Strides. This being the case I still manage to squeeze in a healthy breakfast for me. Why?

Because breakfast kick starts your metabolism and your day. Skipping out on breakfast can rob you of so much energy you feel it into the next day. Don't miss out on this stamina-building morning eating occasion!

Think of your needs while meeting those of your baby. For example, as you fill your baby’s sippy cup, pour a glass of milk for yourself. Or, if you don't like milk, try a drinkable yogurt or flavored milk to get the calcium you need.

Because you can't get by on yogurt and milk alone, instead of grabbing that pastry at the coffee shop or while running errands, reach for whole-grain foods such as instant oatmeal, LUNA bars, or slice of peanut-buttered whole-grain toast to compliment your morning dairy selection.

Right now I am on a steel cut oats kick. While it does take a bit longer to cook than those instant (sugar high) packets I just make a bunch on Monday and stick the rest in the fridge for the week. While I am making Kaiden's breakfast I heat up a bowl for me. I add a little milk (so it doesn't get too thick) and some vanilla whey protein. For a little sweetness I add organic maple syrup or agave. If I am lucky enough to have berries in the fridge I add those on top. Yummy!

I know that as moms we are lucky to make it out of the house, much less out of the house on time with clean clothes on everyone. But try to take the time to have a healthy breakfast. Your body will thank you for it in many ways!


Beth said...

So true! My mother-in-law buy frozen steel cut oatmeal packets from Trader Joes. They are SO good.. wish we had a Trader Joes in Flagstaff! I totally agree on the oatmeal thing- I like to sprinkle some flax on top too!

Elaine Waterman said...

flax- thanks for the tip! I will have to try that next time!