Wednesday, January 6, 2010

My Top 10 ways to get fit after the holidays...

Whew, the holidays are finally over, and just in time! During the holidays I managed to attend 2 cookie exchanges, 3 holiday dinners, 1 book club/MNO (heavy on the MNO, light on the book part) and ended up eating most of the cookies for Santa. Now in the midst of my new Years Resolutions, I can't seem to get my skinny jeans back on...

Thank goodness I have a pretty healthy base to return to and (of course) Stroller Strides!

Twittermoms asked moms to post our top 10 ways to get fit after the holidays and since there may be some of you in the same boat, I thought I would share mine, since I definitely will be using all 10 to get back into shape this month!

My Top 10 ways to get fit after the holidays
1. Throw out all your holiday sweets. Out with the old and in with the new. That's right, throw out all the holiday cookies, candy canes, peppermints and more. Anything with High Fructose Corn Syrup gets the boot. I am usually pretty vigilant about the no HFCS, but during the holidays, this tends to slip. So I toss out the sweets and bring in the fruits and veggies. A clementine is very sweet and a perfect substitute when you need a treat.

2. Commit to working out 5 times a week. Even if it is just a 20 minute walk, definitely get up and move at least 5 times a week.

3. Add weights to your workout. I know a lot of us give up on our workout routines during the winter holidays. This means a loss of muscle mass, which translates to less muscle burning less fat. Try to do a weight workout 2 out of the 5 times you work out. I suggest Stroller Strides for new moms with babies in the stroller since it is a complete workout, both cardio and weight bearing.

4. Suck it in... What do I mean? I mean the belly button! Engage your core during all movements. And do so with intent- picture your stomach muscles as a corset and try to bring both sides together. This will engage the transverse abdominus. A strong transverse abdominus helps support your spine which assists in balance and coordination in all of your daily movements. We can only engage our TA in movement so those that sit all day may have a weakened TA. When it weakens, it doesn't do a good job of holding your internal organs in place, which allows your belly to bulge. (insert very sad face here...)

5. Make a schedule. I am a schedule freak. For Christmas I asked for not one, but two planners. Scheduling helps me figure out the day, prepare and then execute. Not only does this mean I schedule in my time to work out, it also means that I am not screaming at my older son, "go, go, go!" as we run out the door 10 minutes late. Why does avoiding being a "screamer" help me get fit after the holidays? When I am the "screamer" I am stressed, and when I am stressed I tend to reach for unhealthy options to soothe my stressed self. Staying one step ahead of the game keeps me sane and away from the emergency cookies.

6. Remember to stretch! With all the running, lifting and what not I am doing to lose the pounds, I always need to remember to get a great yoga class in there somehow. Flexibility is very important in preventing injuries and the de-stress I get from yoga is irreplaceable!

7. Keep a glass of water by the bed. I am not a water drinker, one of my New Years Resolutions is to drink more water. So with a glass (16 oz) by the bed, I sit up, chug it and am done with half my daily quota! When a person is dehydrated their body compensates by retaining excess water as a protective measure (the dreaded water weight). Also, dehydration significantly lowers metabolism.

8. Brush your teeth with your kids. I swear by this tip. When you get your kids ready for bed brush your teeth with theirs. You will be reminded by your minty fresh breath that late night snacks are a no-no!

9. Laundry/grocery bag workouts... For some reason there is a lot of laundry in the winter and also more grocery shopping. Apparently we eat more to stay warm and wear lots of layers in my house... So #9 tip is a two parter. First is to be incredibly inefficient when doing the laundry. Run up and down the stairs with 5 separate piles, instead of just one. And before putting away all those groceries, remember to bust out as many bicep curls as possible.

10. Talk about your goals and find a workout buddy! Tell everyone you are on the road to health and wellness so they can support you. Schedule workout dates or better yet, go to a class with other women with the same goals(perhaps Stroller Strides?!?). Research shows that having a friend to share a weight loss or diet experience with can increase success, so don't be afraid to share.

I am hoping they pick my top 10 so I can win a Wii Sports EA SPORTS Active™ Personal Trainer! Wish me luck and feel free to share your tips too!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awesome! FYI I totally stole your post- gave you credit though! Hope that's OK!