Monday, January 11, 2010

Bra colors for Breast Cancer Awareness- Breast Cancer Prevention Week #2

This week saw a slew of color posts on FB.  Why?  Well, it was color your status for Breast Cancer Awareness.  What?  It didn't make sense to me, but it did get a lot of people posting and talking about it.  So perhaps it worked!  Soon after the color postings, there were other posts calling for prayers for a cure for cancer.  

I posted something similar to the prayers post, but I added a little sumpin sumpin extra- a call for more PREVENTION and EDUCATION on the products that we use EVERYDAY that are actually carcinogenic...

So to add on...

Here is my Luna Moms Tip of the Week 

Breast Cancer Prevention Week #2

Make your home a chemical-free sanctuary. Many household items, including paper products and cleaning supplies, contain cancer-causing chemicals. These products can be replaced with safer, non-toxic alternatives available at your local supermarkets and health food stores. Plus, by making smart purchases you let manufacturers and retailers know that you won’t stand for toxic products.

Some plastics leach chemicals into the substances they touch, so you should try to choose non-plastic alternatives when possible.
  • Avoid microwaving your food in plastic containers or in plastic wrap. Choose ceramic or glass containers instead.
  • Swap plastic water bottles for stainless steel or aluminum options.
  • Choose non-toxic baby toys and shower curtains instead of PVC (polyvinyl chloride), plastic or vinyl.

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