Monday, December 28, 2009

The key is not to prioritize what's on the schedule, but to schedule your priorities.

Love this quote from Stephen Covey. And it is so true. As a mom it is so hard to fit everything in. I always say (and hear from other moms) "If only I had a few extra hours in the day I could do xxx or yyy". And I hear this from stay at home moms and working moms alike (I am not one to pick sides on who is busier than the other since I have been both and have been busy either way). But there are only 24 hours in a day, and you should sleep for 7-8 of them in order to let your body recover. So that leaves only 16 hours to complete the to do list.

So what are you going to put on your list?

As Stephen so eloquently put- "The key is not to prioritize what's on the schedule, but to schedule your priorities." Meaning, with the limited time you have (and we all get the same amount of hours in a day), schedule what you believe is important.

During the holidays I hear many reasons why the ladies aren't making it into class. Whether it is family in town, the kids slept badly, too many cookies to make for the exchange, too cold, too tired, etc. And believe me, I don't take it personally since I know how it is as a mom during the holidays with the kids home from school... So I get it. BUT, if being healthy and getting a good workout is important to you and one of your priorities- than you need to schedule it in and commit to going! After all, working out provides these great benefits...
• Mental & Emotional health
• Better sleep
• Fewer health problems
• Improved coordination, balance and mental awareness
• Prevents obesity and other disease
• Fights PPD. PPD affects up to 20% of new mothers anytime in the first year after delivery.

And you get to spend one blissful hour sweating along side wonderful me... haha, just kidding. But seriously, consider this a virtual kick in the pants to get off your butt and get to class. You deserve it!

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