Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Enjoy Healthier Air During the Holidays

From Healthy Child, Healthy World

To perfume the air with a holiday fragrance, simmer spices such as cinnamon sticks and whole cloves - Special scents create a festive holiday mood. However, scented candles, incense, air fresheners and other fragrance products are filled with chemical cocktails that can pollute indoor air, causing headaches, fatigue and other symptoms.

Fresh air helps keep the holidays healthy - Even though it may be cold outside, remember to crack the windows a bit each day to let fresh air in and polluted air out. Chemicals, smoke and soot build up indoors if there's no place for them to go. Healthier Indoor Air has more tips on keeping your air "fresh" for the holidays

As you cozy up to the fireplace this winter, remember that particles and gases from fires can make breathing difficult, especially for asthmatics. Make sure you ventilate well. Dry wood burns hotter and cleaner than "green" wood and hardwoods are better than coniferous trees, or evergreens. (That includes your Christmas tree, which is better off recycled.) For more tips, see How To Build a Safer Fire. Note: Fires also emit carcinogens, so keep fires to a minimum.

Learn more about how you can have a healthier holiday season at Healthy Child Healthy World.

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