Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Go retro with your toys...

Moms on a Mission Fact for the week!

Fact: Toys made our of PVC plastics or vinyl often contain additives, such as lead, phthalates, and cadmium, which leech out increasing your child's risk for brain damage, cancer, and hormone disruption.

Action: Purchase toys made out of wood or cloth.

What is Moms on a Mission?

Women, especially moms, are invaluable change agents. LUNA Moms Club harnesses this power through its “Moms with a Mission” mantra. Our goal is to provide a platform for moms to help better the community where we and our families live and play by sharing information and participating in activities focused on giving back to children, families and the environment.

Not only do we as moms make a huge impact in your community, but through our actions we teach and inspire the next generation to do so as well.

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