Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Years!

Today I started class talking about goals and resolutions. Both ladies in class said they did not usually make resolutions since they never stick to them. I encouraged them to make change instead of resolutions. Once we make lasting change in our life we can achieve whatever we set out to do. Remember, you only have to do things 3 weeks in a row for it to become a new habit! On the reverse, you have to refrain from doing something for 2 weeks before you lose that habit!

If you are like many people you have had an idea of a 2009 resolution in the back of your mind. Amid the many holiday meals, you envision a slimmer, healthier you in the future. We make plans in 2009 to go running, take the dogs for walks or bike with our kids. By New Years Eve, you can almost see that healthier you trotting alongside your pups or kids.

As New Years Day arrives amid merriment, more holiday excess and your community of friends, you celebrate the arrival of this new YOU. The countdown begins, the ball drops and the new YOU is only seconds away. Out tomorrow is here and we will be so much better in 2009!

2009 starts and for a few weeks you move forward with a determination never before seen. Perhaps you wake up early, go for the run, head to the gym, refuse the muffins, etc. Nothing can stop you on your journey to the new YOU.

But then it happens, slowly but surely, you snooze the alarm, you have a scone, you make the sofa your permanent domain... Your resolve and your resolutions go down the tube.

BUT this does not have to be you! Follow these 10 tips to stay on track to lasting change!

1. Find Community Support.
When you have a community that supports you you are much more likely to succeed. Make an appointment to work out with someone- RSVP on to Stroller Strides. I won't hold you to it, but that commitment will increase the likelihood of attending and reaching your goals!

2. Don't give up.
Try and try again. Sometimes you will fail, but there is always next time. Ask others for support (see #1) and believe that next time will be your biggest success!

3. Find out what your true values are and live by those.
Discover what your true values are. Say your goal is to stop spending money frivolously. That is easier said than done- since everyone can think of reasons why they NEED that new little black dress. But, if you want to save money to provide for your family and save for their education, than stopping spending frivolously is much easier. All you need to envision is your commitment to your children instead of the item you want to purchase. Live by your values of loving your family and your wallet will remain much easier in your purse. So spend a few minutes as 2009 starts really discovering what your values are.

4. Find motivation in your current success.
One mother in Stroller Strides has had to purchase new clothing and we are only 3 weeks into the program. I say that is a pretty good indicator of success and she is more motivated than ever!

5. Write it down.
Put your goal everywhere. If you are focusing on eating healthier, than write it on a paper and put it on the fridge. Post it wherever you can see it daily. Remember, it is only a wish until you write it down. Once you write it down, it becomes a goal. Once it is visible to the world, than others can support you (and hold you accountable) in reaching it.

6. Surround yourself with others striving for the same goal.
If you are trying to refrain from something, why would you surround yourself with others that are doing that exact thing? Instead, surround yourself with positive people that are also striving for the same success.

7. Start with moderation
While it is great to dive headfirst into things, a program that starts moderately will have more success. Instead of diving in headfirst and smacking your head on the bottom, why don't you wade in and get used to the water. Don't grab the heaviest weight on the first day. Don't run 10 miles on your first run. Don't live on salad only. A crash course will only lead you to a crash and burn!

8. Set an inspiring Big Hairy Audacious Goal and make mini goals that lead to it.
Set one huge goal that really inspires you, but that is so big you almost don't want to say it aloud. Then create smaller goals that are more realistic but that will get you to this BHAG. Strive daily to reach your smaller goals and you may be happily surprised when you arrive at your BHAG. Then you can sit back and think- that wasn't really all that hard!

9. Journal.
Writing down your thoughts will keep you in touch with the values that matter. You will also be able to see the little successes along the way, the wins that are so easily forgotten in the face of struggle. Writing in a journal also allows you the quiet personal time needed to renew yourself in the face of change.

10. Teach and support others.
Encouraging others gives you the courage to triumph.

Remember that self discipline is the precursor to success.

I look forward to supporting everyone in their journey and Happy New Years!

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