Thursday, December 11, 2008

Get rid of your but in 2009

Haha, you think you know what I mean. After all I teach fitness classes. But that is not the but I was referring to. I mean the but that is keeping you from honoring your commitment to your health. I have heard (and given) lots of buts in my life time. It usually goes like this...

I would work out today BUT...
I have too much to do
My kids won't stay in the stroller
I need to clean the house
I am tired
I woke up too late

These excuses and reasons may range from great to ones you just made up to get out of exercise. Now consider this, you made ALL of them up to get out of exercise. There will always be reasons to justify why you don't work out. It is called LIFE.

To reach your goals you have to stay committed in the face of all your buts. And remember- self discipline is the precursor to success!

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