Thursday, July 2, 2009

Post Pregnancy- Small Changes Equal Big Success

As a Stroller Strides franchise owner I know many moms that struggle with post pregnancy weight. I was one of them! After my first child I tried all the fad diets out there. For a few months I only ate raw foods, then I was vegan, then a zone dieter, then gluten free, then dairy free and the list goes on! I knew all the things I needed to do to lose weight and be healthier, but somehow I couldn't commit to doing them. And after 2 years I still had the baby weight.

After Ethan I made the commitment to health. I now exercise daily, eat healthy (with sweets in moderation) and my yo-yo dieting habits are gone. I have lost the baby weight, gained a lot of muscle and feel energized through the whole day. But I did not do it overnight- there was no quick fix diet or solution. I did it through little changes and a lot of help from my food and fitness diary.

According to Stroller Strides's founder Lisa Druxman's book, Lean Mommy, small changes add up to make a big difference. Many people dive into weight loss by focusing on a strict diet or intense workouts. But because they have not changed their mental patterns, they drop the program soon after they start. In Lean Mommy, Lisa suggests that you start with monitoring your eating habits, identifying and controlling the stimuli that trigger you to crave and eat food, modifying how and when you eat, rethinking self-defeating attitudes and learning more about exercise and good nutrition. In short, paying attention to your daily habits and tweaking them in small ways towards health.

Lean Mommy even comes with a Food and Fitness Diary to get you started in tracking your daily eating and exercise habits. The diary's purpose is not to turn you into a crazy calorie counting machine, it is more to help you notice your patterns of choice... It kind of acts like a 3 year old inside your head- always asking you "why?". For example, why did you eat the whole box of donuts? Was it because you were stressed, was it because you didn't have breakfast and were overly hungry, was it because you were with a certain person, or it was at 3pm when you just need something sweet... Knowing the answers to these questions can help you prepare with healthy options when you need them most.

I did the Food and Fitness Diary for a week and found out some pretty interesting things. Like I eat an insane amount of calories while preparing dinner- then I sit down and eat (another) dinner with the family! My small change- I don't nibble pre-dinner and only eat once we sit down. So much easier than a fad diet!

I encourage all mommies to check out Lean Mommy (your can purchase it on or on the Stroller Strides website) and especially the Food and Fitness Diary. It is very eye opening and a great way to begin your journey to health and wellness!

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