Thursday, March 5, 2009

Stroller Strides- what have you done for me lately?

A quick list of why I love Stroller Strides...
1. I have biceps, not just bumps where my biceps should be
2. I can run without getting winded!
3. I am back in my pre-baby jeans after only 8 months- actually I am in better shape than before having baby!
4. I have friends that love sharing about their kids and love to hear me share.
5. I have friends that gripe about their kids and allow me to gripe.
6. I have friends that talk about other things than their kids. We are people too, not just moms!
7. Owning a franchise has allowed me to offer this to others. This makes me feel so great about myself and not in a scary narcissistic way, but in a caring, generous and all over glowing way.
8. I have the great feeling of being my own boss!
9. I can be creative in my job but still get support from Stroller Strides when I need it.
10. I can combine the satisfaction of being a Stay at home mom with the satisfaction of being a business owner.
11. My kids see that I make fitness fun and a priority in my life. They will be less likely to be couch potatoes as they grow older.
12. I have had the blessing of surrounding myself with wonderful women that value health, their children, the world and themselves.

Stroller Strides is a great company and each franchise is owned by a woman, and more specifically, each is owned by a mother. Most moms start their franchise with no business experience, just the love of fitness and their children. There is a contest on line for the top businesses created by women and Stroller Strides is in the running! Your vote is very important and you can VOTE EVERYDAY! Click here and vote!

Thanks for checking it out and I hope to see you in class soon!

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